Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Blog Internet Marketing

Blog Internet Marketing Bigraphy
Looking back at a lot of my previous posts I think we can all agree that I haven’t been terribly shy in pointing out many of the things that we as humans have been screwing up for years. I suppose it’s a gift. Well, today the tables have turned.
You see, my friend Hal Elrod has a book coming out next week called “The Miracle Morning.” And because Hal thinks I’m all that and a bag of chips, he let me read it early. It’s a great book. I highly recommend it! In fact, thanks to Hal I am writing this at 5 AM…on purpose! You can get a few free chapters of the book by going to his website. Just finish reading this first.
Towards the end of the book Hal talks about something he calls “The E-mail That Will Change Your Life.” The idea behind it is to send an e-mail to people you know asking for honest feedback on things that you can improve because sometimes you’re just too close to the problem.
Well, I’m never one to shy away from a challenge so I wrote the following e-mail and sent it to about 50 people including my wife and family. My friends and clients. And even people that I don’t really know very well. I also printed it out and gave it to my kids and talked to them about how I can be a better Daddy. Apparently my Lego building skills are not meeting my 4 year olds expectations.
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing
Blog Internet Marketing

1 comment:

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